Lansey's Alternate Resume    *Under Renovation*
This is the Old Version, see the new version Here

Jonathan Lansey

I've done some things that may have academic value although it isn't ever marked, graded or even assigned. I tried to put the most practical of these thing here for all who want to know about what I sometimes do while I'm busy not watching TV.
Always feel free to e-mail me comments and questions (both technical and not)

Your Tax Dollars at Work:  I have begun an Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program at NJIT.  It's funded by the US Government through the National Science Foundation, which looks good on a resume and I get paid.  We will learn to use Math for Biology in one of three labs:
An invasive species lab (or battlefield).  Nerve Lab 1: They zap neurons from the inside with tiny glass electrodes then watch how they react.  I took the picture of the nerve at that lab.  Nerve Lab 2: They investigate how certain chemicals effect programmed cell death. Uses electrophoresis, similar technique to DNA analysis. More coming . . .

A Picture I took of a Nerve Cell

description on NJIT site
description on NSF site.

Creative Studies


Graphical analysis of an oscilloscope-like apparatus

Analysis of the dimmer I built for a Styrofoam lamp I made.

Equations for Tracking Satellite Paths

Light is Day, Dark is Night
I put the red line in with a Graphing Calculator

Some Magic Eye stereograms I drew in MS paint
(This one spells my name))

Mechanical Drawings in Point Perspective


Using equations to graph things in point perspective

Spud gunn (shoots potatoes 500+ft.)
Our optimization calculations for the blueprints
(outside link)

Arches and Igloos I've Made


I've driven in 39 states. A map.

Short Analyses of some of Photos


Less-Scientific Pictures I've taken.

Copyright, © Jonathan Lansey 2004,  jcl7_QQ@njit.edu05/05/2005