Your Tax Dollars at Work:  I have begun an Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program at NJIT.  It's funded by the US Government through the National Science Foundation, which looks good on a resume and I get paid.

We will learn to use Math for Biology in one of the following three labs:
Invasive species lab: (or battlefield) They pit plants against each other in little pots/arenas.
Nerve Lab 1
: They zap neurons from the inside with tiny glass electrodes then watch how they react.  I took the picture of the nerve at that lab, it is really cool so ask me about it.
Nerve Lab 2
: They investigate how certain chemicals effect programmed death in certain neurons.  They use electrophoresis, the same technique they use for certain DNA analysis.

More words coming when I get a chance . . .

Getting Accepted:

They weren't planning to accept freshman, and I had taken none of the suggested courses . . . but they read my recommendation, looked at this website, then I showed them a bit of offline math I've done.  Now I am one of the 6 students in the program.  They never asked for my Transcript, SAT score, or even my GPA!
I would like to thank Prof. Moore for writing me the recommendation

Copyright, © Jonathan Lansey 2004, (Remove the underscore & QQ)
Last modified: 04/11/2005