a b {a} {b} {a-b} {b-a} {a+b} {b+a} {a - b} The number of pages with word a, but without word b
miserable failure 25,300,000 165,000,000 1,610,000 28,600,000 806,000 559,000
hongiing microbes 175 4,820,000 7,190,000 150 19 20
goddamned toolboxes 1,940,000 1,570,000 1,430,000 778,000 333,000 37,500
teenie sandstorms 11,000,000 321,000 1,040,000 378,000 9,240 9,240
polyuric debenture 13,800 1,510,000 13,500 1,890,000 431 431
bimbette misanthropy 42,600 680,000 44,100 729,000 80 79
zugzwangs screws 1,640 26,400,000 1,620 5,180,000 22 21
electrochemist bedtimes 20,700 302,000 20,600 282,000 66 66
inhibit alimentation 15,900,000 37,300,000 4,060,000 1,640,000 25,600 25,600
headbangers puppets 1,530,000 15,400,000 3,020,000 2,560,000 27,400 53,000
avenged blackmail 6,720,000 6,810,000 753,000 2,090,000 37,300 37,300
polishing flambe 15,200,000 1,320,000 1,240,000 1,800,000 18,800 18,800
incessantly mileage 2,250,000 50,700,000 4,490,000 2,660,000 21,600 21,600
deere chews 17,000,000 4,690,000 1,170,000 7,490,000 81,100 44,500
counterparts swoon 20,000,000 3,180,000 4,310,000 5,400,000 35,300 60,000
misshapen roast 837,000 19,800,000 1,320,000 1,400,000 30,300 30,300
urubamba interlaken 499,000 4,160,000 777,000 2,100,000 834 834
polyester toolboxes 67,900,000 2,450,000 3,460,000 3,790,000 79,000 80,300
teenie wacko 9,250,000 9,210,000 1,020,000 889,000 9,540 9,760
dipshit oneself 687,000 15,000,000 645,000 1,420,000 8,170 9,770
transcendent potsdam 3,020,000 23,900,000 5,840,000 1,590,000 17,500 6,080